The Menagerie of Animals at TnF Farms

TnF Farms was nestled in the woods on the outskirts of rural Florida. Our passion for homesteading and raising farm animals is at the heart of everything we did. Our journey into the world of livestock has been a labor of love, and we invite you to join us in experiencing the joys and challenges of life on our homestead.
One of the primary aspects of our farm is the diverse range of farm animals we raise and care for. These animals play a vital role in our homesteading lifestyle, providing us with not only sustenance but also a deep connection to the land and the natural world around us.
The kinds of livestock we raise
American Guinea Hogs are a central focus on our farm. These animated smaller “Florida cracker pigs” supply us with high-quality pork, and their presence brings a sense of humor to our landscape. We take great pride in the humane and sustainable practices we employ in raising our pigs, ensuring they lead healthy and content lives.
Poultry also has a special place on our homestead. Our flock of chickens provides us with fresh eggs daily, and their amusing antics never fail to make us laugh. Rhode Island Reds, Silkies, and Buffs have a permanent home on our farm, each with its unique contribution to our agricultural endeavors.
In addition to the more traditional farm animals, we have a fascination with Nigerian Dwarf goats. These loving creatures are not only adorable but also hardworking. They help us manage our land by clearing brush and keeping the undergrowth in check. Their milk is also a valuable resource for making cheese, yogurt and ice cream.
Just like nature designed at TnF Farms
At TnF Farms, we believe in sustainability and responsible stewardship of the land. We strive to provide our animals with the best possible care, access to open spaces, and natural foraging opportunities. Our commitment to ethical farming practices ensures that our livestock is not just well-fed but also content and healthy.
Our journey into homesteading is a continuous learning experience, and we are excited to share it with you. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of raising farm animals in the Florida panhandle. Follow our adventures, gain insights into sustainable farming, and witness the beauty of rural life right here at TnF Farms. Together, we can celebrate the bountiful rewards of a life close to nature and the fulfillment that comes from nurturing and caring for our farm animals.