Raising American Guinea Hogs for Quality Meat

Guinea eating tree nuts
If you’re looking to embark on a rewarding journey into small-scale, sustainable livestock farming, consider raising American Guinea Hogs. These unique heritage pigs offer not only a taste of history but also a delectable source of meat. In this post, we’ll discuss some of our experiences so far with American Guinea Hogs, their characteristics, benefits, and how to raise them for flavorful pork.
Why Choose American Guinea Hogs?
Heritage Breed: American Guinea Hogs, often referred to as “Guineas,” are a heritage breed with a rich history in the United States. Their roots date back to the early 19th century, and they were once a crucial part of homesteads and small farms here in Florida and across the country.
Manageable Size: Unlike some larger pig breeds, American Guinea Hogs are smaller in stature, making them an excellent choice for small-scale farming or homesteading. We like that we can almost walk a hog onto a trailer and in some cases easily wrestle or drag a fully grown hog on. They typically weigh up to 300 pounds at maturity.
Docile Temperament: A lot of pig breeds can be mean or even dangerous if you turn your back on them. Guinea Hogs are known for their calm and docile temperament. Our Guinea get enough human interaction, they act more like outside dogs. Most of the pigs at TnF Farms are so chill, they roll over and want their bellies rubbed.
Getting Started
Suitable Housing: Begin by setting up a secure and comfortable living space for your Guinea Hogs. A sturdy shelter with adequate ventilation is essential to protect them from the elements. A permanent building is great but if you’re just getting started, think frugal. This can be something as simple as an upside down IBC tote with the tank cut open can be a shelter. You can use an 8×8 outdoor dog kennel with a roof. Outside of the building, ensure they have plenty of space to roam, root, and graze. Give them a fenced area with some shade and a wallow or wet area to cool off on those hot Florida summer days. One of the mistakes we made was bush hogging and cutting back the scrub in our woods. All that stuff growing was free food.
Feeding: Guinea Hogs are versatile eaters and thrive on a varied diet. They can graze on pasture, forage for roots and plants, and consume kitchen scraps. If you have acorn trees that are mature in their foraging area, they will eat every nut that falls from the trees. Never throw left overs or trimmings off of fruits and vegetables in the garbage. Those make excellent piggie treats. Make sure to not feed your pigs too much of anything that is extremely salty like stale crackers or chips. Supplement their diet with high-quality pig feed to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. You’re planning to eat these pigs – what goes in them is going to be in their meat.
Healthcare: Keep an eye on your herd of pigs. Regular health checks and looking for injury or sickness are vital to keep your hogs in top condition. Medications on a piece of stale bread go down easy. Antibiotics are good when necessary.
Benefits of Raising Guinea Hogs
Outstanding Meat Quality: American Guinea Hog meat is well known for its exceptional flavor and marbling. The meat is dark and tender. The slow growth rate and foraging habits of these hogs contribute to the meat’s rich, succulent taste.
Sustainable Grazing: Guinea Hogs are excellent foragers and can help clear land by rooting and eating weeds. They will eat grass and its roots if you keep them on a groomed part of your property. If you are in the process of clearing your woods, run some fence around the area. American Guinea Hogs will clear virtually all of your scrub under the trees. This can be particularly useful for land management and sustainable farming practices.
Unique Market Opportunity: Due to their heritage status and the growing interest in locally-sourced, high-quality meat, there is a niche market for Guinea Hog pork. Selling this unique meat can be a profitable venture for small-scale farmers.
Raising American Guinea Hogs is a rewarding and sustainable endeavor.
These heritage pigs offer not only delicious pork but also a connection to Florida’s agricultural history. By providing them with proper care, housing, and nutrition, you can enjoy the many benefits of raising Guinea Hogs while contributing to the revival of this remarkable breed. If you’re thinking about growing pigs of your own, TnF Farms sells registered and unregistered American Guinea Hogs. They are an easy investment that pays dividends.