Lichgate on High Road

Lichgate on High Road is a popular location for events, weddings, and nature enthusiasts who appreciate the picturesque setting and the history of the property. It has also been recognized as a historic site due to its cultural and natural significance. The property is typically open to the public, and visitors can enjoy its serene and enchanting atmosphere.

Mother Nature’s Mood Swings

Well, well, well, dear readers, it seems Mother Nature has again decided to turn our lives into a weather rollercoaster. Buckle up, because this cold snap and incessant rain have become the latest additions to her repertoire of mood swings. Who knew Mother Nature had a sense of humor? Or is this just her way of telling us to invest in a lifetime supply of waterproof everything here in Florida?

Goat Friendly Florida Trees

Florida’s diverse and warm climate provides an excellent opportunity for goat farmers to integrate fruit trees into their farms. When selecting fruit trees for a goat farm in Florida, it’s essential to consider not only the climate but also the nutritional benefits these trees can offer to the goats. Here’s a more in-depth look at some suitable fruit trees:

Should You Grow Ryegrass?

Beyond its role as a forage crop, rye grass plays a crucial role in environmental conservation. Its ability to prevent soil erosion, particularly on slopes or vulnerable terrain, has made it a preferred choice for cover cropping. As a cover crop, ryegrass forms a protective layer over the soil, reducing the risk of erosion and promoting soil health. Additionally, its quick growth makes it an effective ground cover in lawns and pastures, providing an aesthetically pleasing green carpet. Whether utilized for livestock feed, erosion control, or ornamental landscaping, ryegrass stands out as a resilient and adaptable grass species with multifaceted benefits.

Benefits of Barn Cats

When we moved into our current homestead and started TnF Farms, both of us were surprised by how common rodents were outside. We had some ground activity that seemed consistent with moles or voles near our house. The locations where we kept livestock automatically attracted rodents like field mice and rats. For the most part, I’m a live-and-let-live kind of person when it comes to wildlife. I usually try for the most natural approach or give nature a little time to find the balance. We do have our fair share of earth snakes, oak snakes, and black racers on our property. They certainly did their part to control the rodents. But cats turned out to be the game changer. Click to find out our story.

SPAM Musubi Authentic Hawaiian

Our friend, fellow foodie, culinary scholar, and traveling chef, Kaitlyn is back to TnF Farms to cook authentic Hawaiian for us again! She told us tonight, we are in for a treat she enjoyed as a kid growing up in Hawai’i. SPAM musubi is a popular Hawaiian staple that combines elements of Japanese and American cuisine. It’s a tasty and portable dish that features SPAM, as a key ingredient. The dish checks all the boxes. It’s sweet, salty and filling. SPAM musubi is often enjoyed as a snack or light meal, and it has become a symbol of Hawaiian cuisine.

Tomahawk Steak from Porterhouse

Faith had other evening plans. It’s been a long week and the year is about to wrap up. I think I deserve a little something special for dinner. Porterhouse Meat Market had some great choices in their fresh cuts. My job has taken me all over the country and the world. I’ve eaten some amazing steaks, but I’ve never had a Tomahawk steak in my entire life. Tonight is going to be the night I prepare one and eat it.

Tips for Hobby Farm Success

Transforming your hobby farm into a profitable business involves diverse strategies like selling produce, offering farm stays, and conducting workshops, all of which can sustain your passion and provide income. Essential steps include upgrading your marketing efforts and registering as an LLC for liability protection. This journey from hobbyist to successful entrepreneur symbolizes the rewarding transformation of turning a personal passion into a thriving livelihood.

2024 Dairy Goat Guide

Nubian goats are believed to be one of the oldest domesticated dairy breeds, and their history can be traced back thousands of years. Nubian goats trace their roots to North Africa, with historical significance in Nubia. The Nubia region is now part of Sudan and Egypt. Nubians are known for their distinctive characteristics and valuable contributions to the dairy and meat industries. The breed we know today as Nubian goats was from British does (female goats) being crossed with bucks (male goats) from Africa.

This is an extensive post, I will be covering:


Our animals had so much personality. You can see why we always had a camera out. Click an image to enlarge.


We’re social on social media. Some would say downright friendly.


TnF Farms no longer sells farm goods or livestock. Located in Florida, we enjoy blogging about our past experiences with humane and sustainable farming practices. TnF Farms’ website contains information about non-GMO farm-fresh eggs, raw goat milk, cheese, yogurt, fudge, ice cream, and American Guinea hog pork production.

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